Factor x Duke – Part 01
History, Diversity, Passion

History, Diversity, Passion
Artist, poet, advocate of inclusivity, and total boss on the bike, Duke Agyapong is now also an Ambassador for Factor. You may recognize him; he’s a familiar face for anyone who races in the fixie crit scene or shops at Rapha. We’re super proud and excited to officially welcome Duke to the Factor family.

We will join him on his journey of discovery, racing bikes and inspiring others. Duke enjoys deep family ties to Ghana, but London is his home and he’s a prominent member of its vibrant cycling scene. Already well-established as a fixie and road racer, Duke is looking to explore his possibilities with gravel riding and racing, as well as Transcontinental-style ultra long distance events. Most importantly, Duke wants to infuse the pleasures of two wheels into every one of his rides, and encourage others to do the same. Though cycling can seem a closed-off, niche-like tribe, Duke wants to join Factor and help a much wider community to feel welcomed and excited by cycling. Striking up a conversation is the best way to start: “We need to see things from each other’s perspectives, and that starts with listening.”

“We need to see things from each other’s perspectives, and that starts with listening.”

Sharing a similar interest in art and artists as the Factor designers, Duke will be making some significant contributions to the look and feel of his Factor bikes. Duke is a bold guy, so you can definitely expect some bold colors and designs. Watch this space and you’ll soon see what we mean.
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